Solvencia II, Optimize Reporting.

Automate Solvency II Reporting.
Are you ready to incorporate in 2023 the new Taxonomy 2.8 & ITS Amendments?

Since the entry into force of Solvency II almost 10 years ago, our solution has responded to the periodic changes of EIOPA and DGS to comply on time with the Annual and Quarterly Reporting of Solvency II.

Time and cost savings: Reduce the time and resources spent in the calculation and reporting process.

Traceability: Ensure traceability of information, improve data quality and reliability of calculations.

Centralized solution: Unify information sources and integration with financial information.

Agility: Simplify and speed up the generation of Regulatory Reporting. Comply with 100% of regulatory requirements.

Time and cost savings: Reduce the time and resources spent in the calculation and reporting process.

Traceability: Ensure traceability of information, improve data quality and reliability of calculations.

Centralized solution: Unify information sources and integration with financial information.

Agility: Simplify and speed up the generation of Regulatory Reporting. Comply with 100% of regulatory requirements.



Solvency II

Solvency II Regulatory Reporting has become a challenge for the insurance industry due to the breadth and depth of information required. New high-impact regulatory changes are on the horizon, which will come into effect in 2023 and affect Q4 and Annual Solvency II reporting. We propose a solution that covers 100% of all requirements:

  • Periodic changes Pillar I and Pillar III: Updating and maintenance of periodic European and Local regulatory changes (DEC DGS).
  • Upcoming regulatory changes for Q4 and 2023 Annual Reporting: Incorporation of the new Taxonomy 2.8 & ITS Amendments.

Benefits and Advantages

Solvency II Solution

Since the entry into force of Solvency II almost 10 years ago, our solution has responded to the periodic changes of EIOPA and DGS to comply on time with the Annual and Quarterly Reporting of Solvency II.

We propose a Solution that includes all the necessary elements (reports, calculation rules, validations, consolidation logic, narrative documents and XBRL format generation) to give maximum coverage to the 3 pillars of Solvency II both in its global and local requirements.

Pillar I

Pre-built calculations to cover the STANDARD FORMULA. Possibility of generating additional scenarios.

Pre-configured Solvency II solution

Ready to adapt to each company. Fast implementation, continuous maintenance. Flexible and user-friendly solution.

Pillar III

Meets 100% of EIOPA requirements for QRTs. Generation of the XBRL format required by EIOPA and narratives: FCSR and RSR connected to the Pillar III DB.

Minimum impact on systems

Integration with any architecture. It integrates easily through its ETL and connectors with the most common ERPs.

DGS Reporting

Download of data in Access format required by the DGS. Templates for reporting additional information not included in EIOPA. Spanish translation.

Advanced reporting capabilities

Advanced reporting and dashboard capabilities to respond to information requirements. Full data traceability.

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